Tuesday 30 December 2014

Central Rook with Left Bear in the hole (by nyanko)

Do you know Central Rook with Left Bear in the hole statics? (figure. 1)

I think this tactics is powerful against Ranging Rook, but be hardly introduced in English.
So I will introduce the basic opening here.

figure. 1 

Central Rook with Left Bear in the hole have catched on with student player in Japan since about a few years ago, and nowadays with even professional shogi players.
In this tactics, the castle is solid so that it's difficult for you to be defeated.

The typical opening move is, P-5f, P-3d, R-5h. (figure. 2)

figure. 2
If the opponent move P-8d, you can play ordinarily with Central Rook.
As described above, Central Rook with Left Bear in the hole is effective against Ranging Rook.

The typical sequence of moves from figure. 2 is, R-3b, P-5e, G-4b, P-7f, P-3e, R-5f, R-3d, B-7c, G4a-5b, K-6h(fugure. 3).
As named "Left", this tactics castle the king left side despite the Central Rook.
This is because it's easy to enclose the king in Bear in the hole, though Static Rook Bear-in-the-hole is sometimes attacked before finishing castle and be difficult to complete enclosing.

figure. 3
From figure. 3, the example of opening is, K-6b, K-7h, K-7b, K-8h, P-4d, L-9h, S-4c, K-9i, K-8b, S-8h, S-7b, R-2f, P-2d, R-5f, P-9d, G4i-5i, P-9e, S-4h, P-1d, S-5g, B-1c, G-7i, P-2e, S-6f, N-3c, G5i-6i, P-6d, G6i-7i, G-6c, P-1f, P-7d(fugure. 4, same as fugure. 1).
If the opponent will attack, for example P-3f, you should respond so as to work major pieces well.

figure. 4

After figure. 4, you will aim major pieces exchange, for example N-1g, N-7c, Nx2e, Nx2e, R-2f.

I will add detail at a later date.

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