Tuesday 1 August 2017

2nd game of Kitaurawa shogi salon tournament

I adopted Anaguma in 2nd game of the tournament.
The opponent devised method which Bishop moved by 2b-1c-3e so that the opponent's castle was solid against the line of my Bishop due not to move P-3d like as figure. 1.

figure 1

I attacked with P-5e, Px5e, P-7e at figure. 1. However it might attack too much.

Figure. 2 is the position in the middle.
What do you move at this position?

figure. 2

At figure. 2, P*5i is important movement (figure. 3).
It is very important for playing shogi to think what the opponent aims next.
At figure. 2, the opponent aims L*5g next. I can't this Lance neither Bishop and Gold because the other peace will be captured by Dragon, so it's very severe. Therefore, I had to defend against the attack in advance.
Moreover, by putting P*5i, my Bishop became able to move next because Gold was defended by Pawn.

figure. 3

Figure. 4 is the position after that.
What do you move there?

figure. 4
My Bishop seems to be captured next.
However, it is said that Speed is more important than material in endgame.
If Bishop escape at figure. 4, the opponent move +N-4h and my castle is weakened.
Therefore, I moved Px5h at figure. 4. In fact, promoted Knight is valuable piece at figure. 4.
After that, the game proceeded with +Rx6h, S-4e, +R6i, B*6e (figure. 5).
B*6e is effective both attack and defence. This aims N*4d and prevent the opponent's N*4g.

figure. 5

Figure. 6 is the position in the ending.

figure. 6

R*4b (figure. 7) is decisive move at figure. 6.
If I moved G*4b instead of R*4b, the opponent could aim repetition of moves by G*5a.
After that, I attacked one-sidely (my Anaguma castle is very solid) and won the game.

figure. 7

The entire kifu is following.


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