Thursday 22 September 2016

ESC/WOSC Diary (4)

The main event ESC/WOSC was held from second day to fourth.
We played nine games in all, about three games per day, the thinking time was 45 minutes and 40 seconds byo-yomi. The thinking time was long, so I enjoyed reading more than usual.
We check the opponent and the seat number.

In first game, I played with Japanese player.
The game was drawn by repetition of moves in the middle game. Both I and the opponent didn't have a confidence at that position.
At rematch game, I was bad position in middle game and my attack was insufficient, then I lost.

In second game, I played with Norwegian player.
The form was 4th-file Rook versus Right-hand 4th-file Rook.

After this position, I moved Rx6e, Px6e, Bx9a+ and my piece performed sabaki.
After that, I pull Dragon and was able to win stably. We took a picture of the end position.

In third game, I played with Russian player.
The opponent took a mistake at Opening, then I won.

In 4th game, I played with Germany player.
This game was very heated at endgame battle, but I took a mistake and was defeated. Ishikawa professional 7 Dan player and some players also joined in the postgame analysis and we enjoyed it. (I don't have the kifu of this game unfortunately)

In 5th game, I played with Berarusian player.
The opponent's attack was effective and I was a little bad position at opening. However, after I castled my king in Anaguma and attacked forcibily, the opponent took a mistake and I won.

In 6th game, I played with another Germany player.
The opponent's attack was severe, and I defended earnestly.
In the position of below figure, P*6f was also sever. If I took this, +Bx5h, Gx5h, S*3i.

I moved R*6c, and the game proceeded as G4a-5b, R-6a+, G5b-5a, +Rx6f (figure below). I tried to survive even after that.

However, the opponent had a chance at the position below.

I was worried about the move of putting Rook again as Rx8b+, +Px8b, R*8i without Silver escaping.
However, the opponent moved not R*8i but Sx4i, so I succeeded to defend through. I think R*8i not Sx4i was easy to become a blind spot.
At last, I mated the opponent's king at the following position. Can you mate?

The entire kifu was shown below (Maybe only PC can see).

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