Sunday 27 March 2016

Pacman tactics

Have you met the position shown in figure. 1?
P-4d is seemed to be captured for nothing, but this movement of gote is one of the surprising attack strategies. This tactics is called "Pacman."
The name "Pacman" derives from a game character, and "Pac" has a nuance of eating something (Pawn in this case) in Japanese.

figure. 1

After figure. 1, the game will proceed as R-4b, Bx5c+, P-3d, S-8h, Rx4g+ (figure. 2.)
This strategy is apt to become slugfest.


Furthermore, +Bx6c, S-7b, +B-3f (figure. 3).
Can you find the next move of gote in figure. 3?

figure. 3

In figure. 3, P*5h is good movement (figure. 4).
This is because the horizontal line of influence by Rook will stop and gote become to be able to capture Silver at 8h.
figure. 4

After that, Gx4i-5h, +Rx3f, Px3f, Bx8h+ (figure. 5).
In figure. 5, gote gained material and succeeded the attack.

figure. 5

If you like slugfest or surprising attack strategies, Pacman may be funny.

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