The opening is as shown in figure. 1.
The feature of this tactics is P-7e unlike ordinal Opposing Rook.
I like the formation as shown in figure. 2 especially, the Rook turns to 7 line after figure. 1.
Incidentally, it's said the name "American" derives from the fact the creator of this tactics is from Yokohama city and there are "American wharf" there.
figure. 1
figure. 2
When you use this tactics, you move P-7e in the beginning (figure. 3).
figure. 3
After that, you move Rook to 8 line as in figure. 4 (Opposing Rook).
figure. 4
After figure. 1, you bump Rook as shown in figure. 5.
If you don't move G-7h in figure. 5, the opponent can exchange Rook and put it in 8h (figure. 6). You should take careful this.
figure. 5
figure. 6
If the opponent put P-8e in figure. 5, you can select R-8h or R-7f.
In the case you select R-8h, you can attack by S-7f (figure. 7).
After figure. 7, the opponent will N-9c and you will attack 9-line.
figure. 7
Some opponent will put P-8d in figure. 5.
In that case, I like R-7f as Ishida-style (figure. 8)
After figure. 8, you castle the King and attack like figure. 9.
figure. 9
The sample game is following.
In fact, the end of this game is time-out of the opponent.
I think I'm better in the last position because it's difficult for the opponent to maintain Threatmate without give Bishop or Silver.
* Postsprict
In the last position of above game, if the opponent will put B-3f, which is ingenious move, it may be difficult for me to defence my King (figure. 10). If you find how sente win in this position, please tell me.
figure. 10
* Postsprict again
In figure. 10, S-2d+ is also ingenious move (figure. 11), because I can take Night in 2e and Bishop. So I think sente will win after all.
figure. 11